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Kaleidofin | SDE 1 | Bengaluru | April 2024

Round 1

Questions: I was asked one standard algorithm problem, followed by questions related to my experience described in the resume.
I asked if I could implement the same in C++, but the interviewer insisted on using Java.
Problem link: Next Permutation

Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 2

Questions: The interviewer began with testing standard Spring Boot knowledge.
I was then asked to implement LRU cache, which I did in C++. The code was tested and all the test cases passed. Then I was asked to do the same in Java, which I could not do in time.
Problem link: LRU Cache

Candidate's Approach

I implemented the LRU cache in C++ successfully, and all test cases passed. However, I was unable to convert the solution to Java within the time limit.

Interviewer's Feedback

I was rejected after this round, stating inability to write the code in Java.