Round 1: Online Assessment
- 2 LeetCode medium questions. Specific questions not provided.
- Completed the first question and most of the test cases passed for the second question.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 2: Screening Round
- Design a data structure for browser history with the following functionalities:
- Add a link
- Remove a link
- Each link has many keywords; search by keyword
- Print all links in the order they were inserted
- Example: '/google/search', which has 'google' and 'search' as keywords
- Links could be duplicates
Candidate's Approach
Suggested using a doubly linked list for links and a hashmap for each keyword, where the hashmap value is a list of links. Although the solution may not be optimal, the interviewer asked to implement the approach.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 3: In-House Interviews - Round 1
- Java grilling covering various concepts including:
- Running a hello program
- Concurrency
- JRE vs JVM
- Singleton design pattern
- Volatile
- Method hiding vs method overriding
- ThreadPoolExecutor
- Coding question: Kth Smallest Number in Multiplication Table
- Suggested all three approaches: sorting, priority queue, and binary search.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 4: In-House Interviews - Round 2
- Resume-based questions
- Singleton Design Pattern
- Design a Flight Booking System focusing on finding multiple stops flight schedules
- Design LRU (Least Recently Used)
- Design Java annotation
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 5: HR Round
- Scheduled 3rd Technical round but was informed last moment that it will be rescheduled. No further updates from HR.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.