Round 0: Recruiter Phone Call
Questions: Normal questions about experience.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 1: Design
Questions: System Design question discussed here.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 2: Coding
Questions: Design Rule Engine question from here.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 3: Leadership / Behavioral
Questions: Different scenario-based questions like:
- Conflict resolution
- Missed a deadline
- How to handle a client with unrealistic timelines
- Proudest moment
- Time when you challenged status-quo
This round was for 1 hour, so I advise people to be prepared with a lot of examples/stories from their day-to-day experience. Entire 1 hour was spent on these discussions.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 4: Coding, Bar Raiser
Questions: Coding question from here.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 5: HM
Questions: Introductions, and then sort of team matching based on tech stack and career growth and preference. This was a normal conversation.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Key Notes:
- Coding questions had a lot of internal questions, like why a class was created or not created, preferring hashmap for O(1) gets vs lists with O(n) gets, etc.
- Code was supposed to be done in an IDE and it had to be working.
- Strategy was to make the code working first and then move on to restructure the code as per OOP design principles.
- Basic classes were still built like Rule (Round 2), Container (Round 4), etc., and then more refactoring was done later.
- Working of the logic was important.