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Citadel | Senior Software Engineer | Reject

Round 1

Questions: A list of currency relationships with exchange values. (BTC - USD)
Find the best exchange rate from currency1 to currency2.

Candidate's Approach

I was able to solve this within time. There were few edge cases, which I missed that the interviewer pointed out, like self loops.

Interviewer's Feedback

The interviewer pointed out the missed edge cases, such as self loops.

Round 2

Questions: Word Ladder II with a variation. It was exactly like Word Ladder except the interviewer did not mention the shortest path between 2 words.

Candidate's Approach

I implemented the solution using DFS, which did not render the shortest path. After my implementation, the interviewer mentioned that it would have been better to print the shortest path. I noted that I would use BFS for that, but there was no time left. My solution gave the right answer for the one test case provided in CoderPad.

Interviewer's Feedback

The interviewer suggested that it would have been better to print the shortest path.