Round 1: Hacker Rank Online Assessment
- 2 DSA questions:
- 1 Medium (all passed)
- 1 Hard (8/14 test cases passed)
- Specific question not provided.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 2: Screening Round
- Discussed use cases similar to Search Suggestion:
- Suggestions based on previously searched URLs, need not be prefix matching.
- Should be able to check the search history.
- Follow-up question on Vaccination Slot Booking, asked to code as close to production-ready code.
Candidate's Approach
Suggested using two data structures, one for each use case. The approach seemed reasonable, but unsure if the interviewer was satisfied.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 3: Onsite Round 1 (DS Algo)
- Determine the number of characters that can be removed from a word such that the current string/word is available in a given dictionary of words (exact problem statement not remembered).
- LeetCode Hard: Binary Tree Cameras (asked for the approach due to time constraint).
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 4: Onsite Round 2 (HLD+LLD)
- Design an Airline Booking System. Explained the design process from scratch with good discussion.
- Follow-up Question: How do you handle booking if the flight route has multiple stops, and the user wants to book until an intermediate stop?
- Discussed the Singleton Design Pattern and explained different ways to achieve it.
Candidate's Approach
Felt this round went well with good discussions and explanations.
Interviewer's Feedback
Interviewer seemed satisfied with the explanations provided.
Round 5: Onsite Round 3 (DS/Algo)
- String-based question: Find all possible substrings such that the cost of characters in the substring sums up to a certain target cost (cost calculation formula provided in the question).
- Another data structure question (exact problem statement not remembered) that seemed like a hard question.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.