Round 1
Introduction: Gave a brief introduction about my experiences.
Java-Related Questions:
- JVM, Heap memory, and Stack memory
- Runtime polymorphism
- Hierarchy of the collection framework
- Difference between a Map and TreeSet, internal working of HashMap
- Immutability of strings in Java, difference between StringBuffer and StringBuilder
- Streams and filters (though no further questions as I wasn't familiar with them)
- Functional interfaces
- SOLID Principles, particularly the Liskov substitution principle
- Data structures in use in code
- Multi-threading and ExecutorService
- Adapter pattern
- Builder pattern
- Asked about why we were using Camunda workflows and if we had evaluated other options like Netflix conductor
- Reason for using Cosmos DB
DSA Questions:
- Combination Sum-like problem: Instead of candidates, the number K was given, and all numbers from 1 through K were candidates. Similar to: Combination Sum
- All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree: Provided a graph-based approach which was correct, but the interviewer wanted another approach. Most time was spent on the first question, so didn't get to code this.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.