Round 1
- Interviewer explained about their project, discussing the suite of 40 microservices in the Akanics SaaS product.
- Technical Questions:
- Docker: Concepts of Docker networks, bridges, and port exposure.
- Java: Garbage collection, including Young and Old generation memory and algorithms.
- Test-Driven Development (TDD): Definition, support for TDD, and its downsides.
- Class Loading: Handling of class loading and conflicts.
- What are the challenges you faced in Microservices architecture?
- DSA Question:
- Given a matrix of 0s and 1s, check if there’s a path from the top row to the bottom row, moving only left, down, or right - check for possible path.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 2
- Introduction: Discussed personal projects and experience.
- Technical Questions:
- HashMap: Internal workings, difference between HashMap and ConcurrentHashMap, and concurrency.
- Java 8 Streams: Using Java 8 streams to find students in the CS department from a list of universities.
- Design Patterns:
- Singleton pattern.
- Builder design pattern.
- Spring Framework:
- Difference between @Component and @Service annotations.
- Multiple application contexts in a Spring application.
- Bean scopes: Singleton vs. prototype, and behavior of @PreConstruct and @PostConstruct when the bean scope is not singleton.
- Conditional bean instantiation.
- Sorting Algorithms: Time and space complexity. Explained about merge sort, how it works and its time complexity.
- Memory Management:
- Gave a scenario, where we are making a call to some data resource to fetch the list of objects.
- Told that we would get an error when we try to store this result in ArrayList, but no error if we try to store it in LinkedList. Asked why there would not be any error.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 3
- Managerial Round:
- Questions about reasons for switching and team fit.
- Project Discussion: Asked about their project and tech stack.
- Asked questions on how would you perform load testing.
- Design Question:
- With only 5 minutes left, he asked to design a debugger - I explained the approach.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.