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PhonePe 2024 On Campus SDE Interview Experience

Round 1


  1. Question:
  2. Question:
Candidate's Approach
  • For the first question, I approached it as follows:

    • Brute Force -> Optimized -> DP (Memoization) -> DP (Tabulation).
    • I was able to write the correct pseudo code along with the expected time and space complexity.
  • For the second question:

    • Initially, I used a brute force approach with a map and DFS.
    • I then optimized it using BFS and a vector.
    • I was able to write code for both approaches with expected time and space complexity.
Interviewer's Feedback

The interviewer was satisfied with the given solutions and I was qualified for the next round.

Round 2


  1. Question:

    • Bricks Falling When Hit
    • The interviewer expected an optimal solution using union find, but I was unable to come up with it.
  2. Question:

    • A question related to the convex hull algorithm.
    • I was not able to come up with the solution.
Candidate's Approach

I was able to come up with a brute force solution for the first question, but the interviewer was not satisfied as the optimal solution required union find, which I could not derive. The second question was challenging, and I could not provide a solution.

Interviewer's Feedback

This round was really hard. Candidates who cleared this were selected for the next round.