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Microsoft | SDE 2 (L61)| Hyderabad | Aug 2024 [Offer]

Round 1: Online Assessment


  1. Specific question not provided, but the first question was related to prefix array and was easy.
  2. Specific question not provided, but the second question was based on easy-medium 2D DP.
Candidate's Approach

Completed the assessment within 45 minutes, passing all test cases.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 2: DSA Round


  1. Easy String question (specific question not provided).

  2. Question

    Implement a solution for Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters.

    Test cases discussed during the interview.

  3. Question

    Implement a solution for LRU Cache.

Candidate's Approach

Discussed the approach for both questions, focusing on the implementation and complexities.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 3: LLD Round 1



Design a Parking Lot system.

Candidate's Approach

Defined the scope of the problem, requirements, and entities. Implemented important functionalities, such as finding the optimal parking slot.

Interviewer's Feedback

Feedback was to include more real-life scenarios and focus on validations.

Round 4: LLD Round 2



Design an Online Book Reader System (like Kindle).

Candidate's Approach

Defined requirements and assumptions, implemented important functionalities, and modified the design to handle multiple sources for books.

Interviewer's Feedback

No major callouts from the interviewer.

Round 5: Managerial Round


  1. Behavioral questions: Why do you want to switch? Why Microsoft? What are your expectations?

  2. Deep dive on current project and team.

  3. Question

    Given a linked list and two values m & n, retain the first m nodes and delete the next n nodes until the end.

    Discussed various test cases for this problem.

  4. Question

    High-level design for a problem similar to Top K Visited/Frequent for the last 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week given an input stream.

Candidate's Approach

Discussed the approach for the linked list problem and the high-level design, focusing on various options for building a distributed system.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.