Round 1
- Difference between hashmaps and cache
- What is hashing?
- Can we de-hash a hashed string?
- What is process and thread?
- Can processes share the same memory?
- Follow up: Can threads follow the same memory?
- What is virtual memory?
- Follow up: Why then virtual memory? We could have increased the RAM simply.
- What is monolithic services?
- What is microservices?
- What is distributed systems?
- Say something on cloud architectures: I couldn't answer as I am currently exploring only.
- What is load balancing?
- What is fault tolerance? What's CAP?
- Follow up: What does it provide: availability?
- Explain SOLID design principles: explained about all the 5 design patterns with detailed explanation where each principle can be used and keeping modularity in mind.
- What is TCP?
- Layers of TCP.
- What is REST? Why is it called RESTful APIs?
- Have you heard about SOAP? Explain.
- What is AWS EC2?
- What services can we make use of using EC2 instances?
- What is Docker? Why do we need it?
- What is paging?
DSA Question:
You are given two strings (say BEAR and BARE). You need to find if they are anagrams or not.
Candidate's Approach
- Used hashmaps to solve the anagram problem, achieving a solution in O(N) time complexity and O(N) space complexity.
- When asked to solve without hashmaps, the candidate suggested using sorting and explained the intuition behind this approach.
- Follow-up questions on space and time complexity were addressed, including explanations of big O, big omega, and big theta.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Managerial Round
- Discussion on projects
- Normal discussion on relocation
- Discussion about college exams
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.