Round 0: Online Assessment
- Two DSA questions on a HackerRank-like platform with a 100-minute time limit.
- First question: Medium level array-related problem.
- Second question: Medium-hard dynamic programming problem.
- Expectation: Score above 80%.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 1: Coding Round
- Prefix sum based array problem.
- Maximum island area in 2D arrays.
Candidate's Approach
- Struggled with the first question due to nervousness but worked through ideas with the interviewer.
- Took 40 minutes to complete the first question with working code.
- For the second question, used a recursive DFS approach and validated with test cases, all of which passed.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 2: Low Level Design
- Design an LRU cache.
Candidate's Approach
- Proposed a strategy pattern for extendability regarding different eviction policies.
- Implementation took about 40+ minutes, with the interviewer asking for reasoning at every step.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 3: Expected HLD Round
- Design a file manager.
- Median of two sorted arrays problem (only approach needed).
- HLD related question on scaling issues.
Candidate's Approach
- Clarified functional and non-functional requirements for the file manager.
- Discussed linear time approaches for the median problem and suggested a logarithmic approach but did not reach a full solution.
- The round felt like a stress interview with multiple dimensions discussed.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 4: Hiring Manager Round
- Design network layer for a mobile client sending scheduled data to a remote server.
Candidate's Approach
- Focused on designing a common platform for multiple mobile apps, considering metered networks vs. Wi-Fi.
- Discussed networking concepts and maintainability of the client across versions.
- Felt confident due to prior reading on networking optimizations.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
- Received an email to submit financial documents, indicating selection.
- Offered L64 with a compensation package, which was a fair reason to accept despite not being a significant hike.
Preparation strategy/learnings/personal story:
- Long and sparse preparation with on-and-off LeetCode practice.
- Focused on specific lists like Blind 75 and Neet Code 150.
- Recommended resources include books on system design and behavioral questions.