Round 1
Problem 1: Destination City
Link: Destination City
My solution:class Solution { public: string destCity(vector<vector<string>>& paths) { unordered_map<string,int> outgoing_edges; for(auto &vec : paths) { outgoing_edges[vec[0]]++; } for(auto &vec : paths) { if(outgoing_edges[vec[1]] == 0) { return vec[1]; } } return ""; } };
Problem 2: Rabbits in Forest
Link: Rabbits in Forest
My solution:class Solution { public: int numRabbits(vector<int>& answers) { unordered_map<int,int> mp; for(auto x : answers) { mp[x]++; } int cnt,val,extra=0,bucket,cur; for(auto p : mp) { cnt = p.second; val = p.first; bucket = 1 + val; cur = cnt % bucket; extra += (bucket - cur) % bucket; } return answers.size() + extra; } };
Candidate's Approach
The candidate was able to solve both problems and explained their approaches, as well as the time complexity (TC) and space complexity (SC) for each solution.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.