Round 1
- Generate all possible words in the dictionary with given alphabets (using a Trie and Hashmap). Implement a Trie with insert and search functionality.
- Valid Parentheses Check.
Test Cases for Valid Parentheses Check:
- Input: "()" -> Output: true
- Input: "(]" -> Output: false
- Input: "([)]" -> Output: false
- Input: "{[]}" -> Output: true
Candidate's Approach
- Took around 30-40 minutes to implement the Trie and pass the test cases for the first question.
- Solved the Valid Parentheses Check in under 15 minutes and performed a dry run with 3-4 examples.
Interviewer's Feedback
- Interviewers were satisfied with the solutions provided during the dry run of the Valid Parentheses Check.
Round 2
- Discussed resume, Java concepts, and DSA concepts.
- Implement a Hashmap class in Java.
- Java-related questions:
- Multithreading, how to generate a thread.
- Difference between start and run.
- Difference between Runnable and Thread class.
- Difference in Comparator and Comparable; implement sorting a class according to name, lexicographically.
- Discuss hashcode and equals method and their uses.
- Design patterns (singleton, builder, factory, abstract factory).
- Implement an immutable class.
- Refactoring in Hashmap, tri-fi threshold.
- Java 8 and 7 features, including method referencing.
- Discuss project and RxJava.
Candidate's Approach
- Discussed various Java concepts and implemented an immutable class as requested.
- Explained the differences between various Java components and design patterns effectively.
Interviewer's Feedback
- Interviewers were satisfied with the candidate's knowledge of Java concepts and the implementation of the immutable class.
Round 3
- Design a system to deal with events based on priority and make transactions to a database.
- Implement a Snake and Ladders game, including the game logic.
Candidate's Approach
- Mentioned Kafka when discussing event handling and provided a clear explanation of its internal structure and working.
- Successfully implemented the Snake and Ladders game logic as requested by the tech lead.
Interviewer's Feedback
- Interviewers were helpful and found the round engaging and interesting.
Round 4
- Basic resume questions and team introduction.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.