Round 1: Aptitude Test
Questions: 40 MCQs in 20 minutes covering topics like pattern matching and missing numbers in a series.
Round 2: Online Assessment
You are given an array ([a,b,c,d,e,f]), you need to return the permutation of the array where (a-b) + (b-c) + ... + (e-f) is maximum. If there are multiple such permutations, return the lexicographically smallest one.
- Candidate's Approach: Just sort the array and swap the first and last element.
Similar to binary search on answer type questions.
- Similar Leetcode Problems:
- Minimum Time to Complete Trips - (Leetcode - 2187)
- Koko Eating Bananas - (Leetcode - 875)
- Similar Leetcode Problems:
A graph problem requiring the minimum cost for visiting particular cities in a cyclic trip starting and returning to city 0.
- Test Cases: Passed all test cases in the first two questions and 3 out of 15 in the last question.
Takeaway: Leetcode questions are enough for coding rounds.
Round 3: Technical Interview
- Introduce yourself.
- Design an LRU Cache.
- Explain ACID properties, pillars of OOP, and basic computer network questions.
- Discuss your project and change some CSS properties.
- Questions about browser storage.
- JavaScript questions: hoisting, closures, prototyping, let vs var, global and block scope.
Candidate's Approach
I was able to solve the LRU Cache question but took a lot of time. I communicated and explained my thought process to the interviewer, who was fine with my approach. I couldn't answer every question about browser storage, but the interviewer was okay with it.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 4: Hiring Managerial Round
- Introduce yourself.
- Discuss the weather of your city and willingness to relocate to Pune.
- Valid Anagram question.
- Questions about threads and multithreading.
- General discussion about company hierarchy and different senior positions.
- Opportunity for the candidate to ask questions.
Candidate's Approach
I answered all questions and felt optimistic after this round.
Interviewer's Feedback
He seemed satisfied with my approach during the Valid Anagram question.