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Palo Alto Interview Experience | Senior Software Developer

Round 1


  1. Given an array [1,2,3], return the sub arrays having equal sum, you can even sort the array. Output:

    • a. [1,2,3] => [1,2] , [3]
    • b. [1,2,2,3] => [1,3] , [2,2]
    • c. [1,1,1,1] => [1] , [1] , [1] , [1]
    • d. [1,2,3,4] => NA
  2. Given a String "This is PANW Interview", create a frequency map of all the unique characters, including special characters without using a single loop. Output:

    • a. "This is PANW Interview" => {t:2, h:1 ... space:3}
  3. In Spring Boot you have an API "/api/v1/requests/processRequest" mapped to processRequest() method, How will you call the "/api/v1/requests/someOtherEndpoint" method instead of processRequest(). Even after asking thrice I didn't understood what exactly they meant, so I just told have never come across such scenario before.

  4. What is BFS, DFS, followed by what do you think is used in request matchers in Spring.

  5. Indexes in DBMS, clustered indexes and non clustered indexes.

  6. B trees, B+ trees.

Candidate's Approach

I tried answering the best I could, but doesn’t seem like I will be able to clear.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.