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Amazon | Banglore | SDE - 2 | online

Round 1 (DSA round)


  1. Course Schedule II
  2. Maximum number of meeting rooms booked at a particular time, given start and end time of a meeting.

LP for 20 minutes.

Candidate's Approach

Was able to give optimal approach along with code for both the problems within 30 minutes.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 2 (DSA round)


  1. Group Anagrams
  2. LC medium (BFS) - don't remember exactly.

LP for 20 minutes.

Candidate's Approach

Was able to give optimal approach along with code for both the problems within 30 minutes.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 3 (LLD round)

Questions: Design a system where you are given a list of words in a dictionary (e.g., "book", "conspiracy", "table"). You need to tell the user what matches exist in the dictionary for a given word (e.g.,

LP for 25-30 minutes.

Candidate's Approach

Was able to write pseudo code. Informed the manager that I wouldn't be able to write runnable code due to time constraints, and he agreed. He seemed satisfied with my logic.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 4 (Bar raiser round/ SDM round)

Questions: Design a table booking system.

LP for 30 minutes exact, followed by HLD for the next 30 minutes.

Candidate's Approach

Initially started designing a Dineout type of system. The interviewer insisted on creating APIs first, but I misunderstood the requirements. After clarification, I began creating APIs for a system where users order items from a restaurant, considering limited stock. The interviewer interrupted frequently, leading to a loss of interest on my part. I completed a small HLD in the remaining time and explained it, but the interviewer cut me off, stating he understood my design. I briefly discussed scaling the system before he ended the interview.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Verdict: Rejected
I was not sad but quite happy as the last interaction with the SDM made me uncomfortable.