Round 1: DS Algo and Backend Concepts
- Wrapper class in Java
- @Transactional annotation, transaction propagation, and DB isolation
- DSA questions—asked to code in a compiler of choice and tested the code with multiple edge cases at the end.
- DSA Q1: Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
- DSA Q2: Rotting Oranges
- DSA Q3: N-Queens (Only approach was discussed)
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 2: Low Level Design and DB Schema Design
- Questions regarding indexing, NoSQL vs SQL.
- DB schema design for Google Docs, where multiple people can edit the document (with permission management).
- Design pattern discussion (Singleton, Strategy).
- Some tricky Java question (The description of the question was unclear, I couldn't solve it completely. I tried multiple approaches, but the interviewer kept adding new constraints).
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
Received positive feedback from the interviewer at the end of the interview.
Verdict: Not Selected
The Talent Acquisition team was unresponsive throughout the process. Despite my repeated attempts to get updates, including calls that went unanswered, TA said she hadn’t received my interview evaluation form even after a week. The lack of communication was frustrating, and I ultimately received the rejection email after two weeks.
Zepto interview experience: Link