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Zepto | SDE 2 | Bengaluru | September 2024 [Offer]

Round 1 (DSA)


  1. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
  2. Rotting Oranges
Candidate's Approach

I was able to solve both these questions as they were pretty much standard Leetcode questions. I jumped to the optimal solution and skipped the brute force approaches.

Interviewer's Feedback

Interviewer was satisfied and gave good feedback at the end of the interview.

Round 2 (LLD)


  1. Design a system for managing customer orders and deliveries in a quick commerce platform.
    • How would you structure the system to manage customer orders, inventory, and deliveries?
    • How would you design a system to handle order prioritization for fast delivery, especially during peak times?
    • How would you handle different payment methods such as credit cards, digital wallets, and cash on delivery?
  2. How authentication can be done in the above two APIs?
  3. What kind of design patterns can be used here?
Candidate's Approach

I gave the DB design first. After the interviewer agreed with the Schema, I was asked to write APIs on adding products to cart and placing orders, handling edge cases and writing proper error handling scenarios. We discussed order prioritization for the next 5 minutes. For authentication, I suggested using JWT tokens and explained how they work. For design patterns, I suggested Factory Pattern, Builder Patterns, and Strategy Pattern. I implemented the Factory Pattern for handling payments, wrote Java implementations for Credit card payments, and created a factory class to generate objects based on payment methods chosen by the user.

Interviewer's Feedback

Interviewer was satisfied with my responses and the discussion lasted for 1 hour 15 minutes.

Round 3 (HM)


  1. Design an app like Google Calendar.
    • Users should be able to create meetings.
    • Users can schedule events/meetings with a title, description, start/end time, location, and participants.
    • Users can add participants to meetings and notify them.
    • The system should send notifications for upcoming meetings.
    • Users should be able to accept/decline invitations.
  2. Insert new nodes into a CLL in such a way that they always remain in sorted state.
Candidate's Approach

I focused on the DB design, making entities, columns, and relationships to cover all features. I suggested adding more entities for decoupling and proposed a method to separate shared and personal calendars. For the CLL question, I provided an O(n) optimal solution and skipped the brute force approach.

Interviewer's Feedback

Interviewer seemed satisfied with my solutions and the discussion lasted for 20-25 minutes.

Round 4 (HR)


Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Results: Selected. I got the call next day about the offer.

Compensation: Compensation Discussion