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Cisco Intern Offcampus Interview Experience [Selected]

Round 1 (Technical Round)


Candidate's Approach

The candidate explained the OSI model and the steps involved when typing a URL in a browser. They quickly coded the DSA problems in 2-3 minutes and discussed the differences between binary semaphores and mutex locks. For the SQL query, they provided a solution to display department numbers with more than 100 employees.

Interviewer's Feedback

The interviewer was impressed with the candidate's performance and passed them to the next round.

Round 2 (Manager Round)


Candidate's Approach

The candidate was prepared to discuss their CV in detail, running through their projects and explaining the technologies used, including Docker. They provided insights into how their coursework applied to their projects.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 3 (ETR)


Candidate's Approach

The candidate provided their introduction and explained the timeline of their course. They discussed their projects and preferences regarding stipend and location.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.