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Amazon Phone Screening SDE 2

Round 1

Questions: Given a vector of vectors in the form {{M_I, c_i, p_i}, {M_I, c_i, p_i}, {M_I, c_i, p_i}}, each tuple represents information about unrented movies, where:

You need to implement two operations:

  1. search(movie_id): Returns the 5 cheapest channel IDs for the specified unrented movie.
  2. rent(movie_id, channel_id): Marks the movie as rented from the specified channel, so it will no longer appear in future search results for that movie.


#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <queue> #include <unordered_map> #include <set> using namespace std; struct MovieInfo { int movie_id; int channel_id; int price; bool operator>(const MovieInfo& other) const { return price > other.price; // Min-heap based on price } }; class MovieRentalSystem { public: unordered_map<int, priority_queue<MovieInfo, vector<MovieInfo>, greater<MovieInfo>>> unrented_movies; set<pair<int, int>> rented_set; MovieRentalSystem(vector<vector<int>>& movie_info) { for (auto& info : movie_info) { int movie_id = info[0]; int channel_id = info[1]; int price = info[2]; unrented_movies[movie_id].push({movie_id, channel_id, price}); } } vector<int> search(int movie_id) { vector<int> result; if (unrented_movies.find(movie_id) == unrented_movies.end()) { return result; // No such movie available } auto movie_queue = unrented_movies[movie_id]; int count = 0; while (!movie_queue.empty() && count < 5) { MovieInfo top_movie =; movie_queue.pop(); if (rented_set.find({top_movie.movie_id, top_movie.channel_id}) == rented_set.end()) { result.push_back(top_movie.channel_id); count++; } } return result; } void rent(int movie_id, int channel_id) { rented_set.insert({movie_id, channel_id}); } };
Candidate's Approach

The candidate implemented a MovieRentalSystem class that utilizes a priority queue to manage unrented movies efficiently. The search function retrieves the five cheapest channels for a given movie ID, while the rent function marks a movie as rented. The approach ensures that rented movies are excluded from search results by maintaining a rented set.

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