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Zepto | SDE-1| Bangalore| September 2024

Round 1: DS Algo


  1. Minimum Cost for Tickets
    This is a hard problem but the interviewer expected a solution within 25 minutes. I took around 35 minutes to complete it.

  2. Daily Temperatures
    Variation of standard stack question, solved it in 10 minutes.

Candidate's Approach

For the first question, I analyzed the problem and tried to implement a dynamic programming solution, which took longer than expected. For the second question, I utilized a stack to efficiently track the temperatures and their indices.

Interviewer's Feedback

Received positive feedback from the interviewer, with suggestions to choose better variable names and improve speed.

Round 2: Low Level Design and DB Schema Design


Candidate's Approach

I focused on creating a modular design for the chess game, ensuring that the class structures adhered to OOP principles. I also carefully considered the database schema to ensure efficient data management and retrieval.

Interviewer's Feedback

The interviewer gave positive feedback.