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Angel One | SDE 2 | Backend | Onsite | Rejected

Round 1


  1. Largest Submatrix with Rearrangements

    • I was able to think about the prefix height at every row but was confused about how to maximize by rearranging. However, with some help, I was able to complete it. After the interview, I checked my code/logic, and it was perfect.
    • Time taken: 30 min
  2. Minimum Consecutive Cards to Pick Up

    • I solved this in 2 minutes using hashmaps, and the interviewer was shocked. He even tried some edge cases, but it worked flawlessly. After the interview, I checked my code again, and it was still flawless.
    • Time taken: 5 min
Candidate's Approach

For the first question, I focused on calculating the prefix heights for each row but struggled with the rearrangement aspect until I received some hints. For the second question, I quickly implemented a solution using hashmaps, which surprised the interviewer due to its efficiency.

Interviewer's Feedback

The interviewer noted that I was not able to complete the solution for the first question even after multiple hints, indicating a gap in my problem-solving knowledge. However, he was impressed with my quick solution to the second question.