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Uber SDE 2 | Phone screen

Round 1

Questions: Implement a Counter class that has the following methods:

  1. put(number): put the number to the data structure
  2. count(number): count the number of times number was put during the last window=5 minutes
  3. countAll(): count the number of times any number was put during the last window=5 minutes.

Example: At t = 10PM, put(2)
At t = 10:02PM, put(2)
At t = 10:03PM, put(3)
At t = 10:04PM, count(2) should return 2
At t = 10:04PM, countAll() should return 3
At t = 10:06PM, count(2) should return 1 (the one that was put at 10:02PM)
At t = 10:06PM, countAll() should return 2

Follow-up Questions:

  1. If you were to write unit tests, what would they be?
  2. If your code was to be in production, what issues may it cause?
Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.