Round 1
- 15 questions based on C
- 1 coding question
- 25 questions based on math, cognitive ability, and logical reasoning
The coding question was: You will be given an array which will be multiples of 3 and some array elements will not be a multiple of 3. If it is not a multiple, then either add or subtract a number from it to make it a multiple of 3. You need to return the minimum number of times you add or subtract from a number to make it a multiple of 3.
Test Case 1:
Input: arr = [12, 21, 3, 4]
Output: 1
Explanation: 12, 21, and 3 are all multiples of 3, but 4 is not a multiple. So, subtract 1 from it to make it a multiple of 3. Total operations made was 1 (by subtracting 1 from 4).
Test Case 2:
Input: arr = [4, 5]
Output: 2
int solve(vector<int>& ans) { int n = ans.size(); int sum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int a = min(3 - ans[i] % 3, ans[i] % 3); sum += a; } return sum; }
Candidate's Approach
The candidate iterated through the array, calculating the minimum number of operations needed to convert each element to a multiple of 3. They used the modulo operation to determine how far each number was from the nearest multiple of 3, either by adding or subtracting.
Interviewer's Feedback
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