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Dream11 SDE-2 2024 Interview Experience - Offer

Round 1: DS/Algo


  1. Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS): Gave the n^2 solution.
  2. Number of ways to select buildings

Had 30 mins left after these, so the interviewer asked if I could optimise the LIS code. Made changes to make it nlogn.

Result: Strong hire

Candidate's Approach

The candidate initially provided a n^2 solution for the Longest Increasing Subsequence problem and later optimized it to nlogn as requested by the interviewer.

Interviewer's Feedback

The interviewer considered the candidate a strong hire based on their performance in this round.

Round 2: DB/Work Experience Round


Result: Weak hire

Candidate's Approach

The candidate was prepared to discuss Elastic Search but lacked depth in MySQL, which led to some uncertainty during the interview.

Interviewer's Feedback

The interviewer found the candidate's knowledge in MySQL lacking, which contributed to the weak hire decision.

Round 3: System Design

Questions: Design a system similar to Zerodha/Groww. Clarified requirements included:

  1. Wishlists
  2. Ability to search for stocks
  3. Place market orders
  4. Orders can be sent to exchange without worrying about sequencing and execution
  5. Can get stock price data from the exchange

The design should be scalable and include all typical requirements from High-Level Design (HLD).

Candidate's Approach

The candidate engaged in an interactive session, clarifying requirements and discussing scalability in the design.

Interviewer's Feedback

The interviewer appreciated the interactive nature of the session and found the candidate's approach to be effective.

Round 4: Hiring Manager (HM)


Candidate's Approach

The candidate answered situational and resume-based questions, providing details about their projects.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 5: HR


The HR was enthusiastic about sports, which resonated with the candidate.

Candidate's Approach

The candidate discussed their willingness to relocate and shared their salary expectations.

Interviewer's Feedback

The HR expressed enthusiasm about the candidate's fit for the company culture.

Compensation details: Compensation discussion