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Amazon (Contract) | SDE2 | USA | Sept 2024 | Result: Offer

Round 1


Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

The interviewer mentioned that the candidate should be more prepared for Leadership Principles questions in future interviews.

Round 2


Candidate's Approach

The candidate attempted to follow the interviewer's suggestions but struggled to understand the complexity aspect. They considered converting something into a tree, which the interviewer seemed to appreciate.

Interviewer's Feedback

The candidate felt uncertain about passing but later found out they did pass.

Round 3


Candidate's Approach

The candidate felt positive about this round, as the interviewer seemed satisfied with their responses. They engaged in a conversation about the project/team afterward.

Interviewer's Feedback

The interviewer indicated that they wanted to extend an offer, framing the conversation as more of a discussion rather than a formal interview.