Round 1
- Explain the logic for the OA answers.
- Dive deep into the internal workings of a priority queue - how does a heap work for get, add, and delete operations?
- Given a group of strings and a threshold value, return true if all prefixes of size threshold are equal.
- Follow-up: What if the strings are sorted? Can we reduce time complexity?
Candidate's Approach
- Explained the approach, time and space complexity, and provided the code for the third question.
Interviewer's Feedback
The interviewer was highly satisfied with the candidate's code and theoretical knowledge.
Round 2
- Quick introduction from both participants.
- Discuss challenges faced in the current project.
- Decrypt a string. Input: "bcd", k = 2; Output: "zab".
- Focus on production-ready code instead of just logic.
- Example questions included: Where will you make variables? How will you separate this method?
Candidate's Approach
The candidate felt they did well with some assistance from the interviewer.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback was shared by the interviewer.
Round 3
- Design an Uber-like application.
- Discuss functional requirements, non-functional requirements, data estimation, and database choice.
- Java questions:
- Multithreading: Design two threads to create a race condition, and discuss atomic integers.
- HashMap: Explain how it works internally, and how to find duplicates with POJO keys.
- What low-level design patterns do you know?
- Factory design, Builder pattern, Strategy pattern, Singleton.
- What is a transaction?
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
The interviewer stated that the candidate's performance was neither good nor bad.
Round 4
- Big introduction from both sides.
- Explain the projects the candidate has worked on.
- Discuss conflicts with cross teams.
- How do you deal with negative feedback from your manager?
- Explain how you approach technical issues with non-technical customers.
- Fully behavioral and leadership questions.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback was given as the round was more of a discussion rather than a Q&A.
Final Outcome: Received an email on September 30, 2024, confirming that the candidate cleared all rounds.