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WayFair | SDE2 | Bengaluru | Reject

Round 1: HackerRank Assessment


  1. Group Anagrams - 30% points
  2. Variation of Grid: Instead of one step, we can move to k steps (1 -> k) in all four directions. Find the minimum steps from (0,0) to reach (n,m) with obstacles of infinite height that cannot be processed in that direction. - 70% points

Candidate scored 75% and cleared this round.

Candidate's Approach

The candidate attempted the first question on Group Anagrams and scored 30%. For the second question, they successfully navigated the grid variation and achieved 70% points.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 2: DSA


  1. Given heights of buildings and distance k, find if there exists a building of the same height at most k distance away. Return True if it exists, else False.
  2. Follow-up: Same question but with the condition of at most H difference in height. The expectation was to solve this in O(n log n).


The candidate was unable to solve the follow-up in O(n log n) and was rejected in this round.

Candidate's Approach

The candidate solved the first question using dynamic programming and sliding window techniques. However, they struggled with the follow-up question, which required a more efficient O(n log n) solution.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.