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Salesforce | MTS | OA

Round 1

Questions: A software development firm is hiring engineers and used the following challenge in its online test.

Given an array arr that contains n integers, the following operation can be performed on it any number of times (possibly zero):

The strength of an index i is defined as (arr[i] × (i + 1)), using 0-based indexing. Find the maximum possible sum of the strength of all indices after optimal swaps. Mathematically, maximize the following:


Consider n = 4, arr = [2, 1, 4, 3].
It is optimal to swap (arr [2], arr[3]) and (arr[0], arr[1]). The final array is [1, 2, 3, 4]. The sum of strengths = (1×1 + 2×2 + 3×3 + 4×4) = 30, which is maximum possible. Thus, the answer is 30.

Function Description
Complete the function getMaximumSumOfStrengths in the editor below.

getMaximumSumOfStrengths has the following parameter:

long_int: the maximum possible sum of strengths of all indices after the operations are applied optimally


Sample Case 0
Sample Input for Custom Testing

STDIN FUNCTION ----- -------- 5 → arr[] size, n = 5 1 → arr = [1, 9, 7, 3, 2] 9 7 3 2

Sample Output


It is optimal to swap (arr[2], arr[3]). The final array is arr[] = [1, 9, 3, 7, 2]. The sum of strengths = (1×1 + 2×9 + 3×7 + 4×3 + 5×2) = 66.

Sample Case 1
Sample Input for Custom Testing

STDIN FUNCTION ----- -------- 3 → arr[] size, n = 3 1 → arr = [1, 2, 5] 2 5

Sample Output


No swaps are needed in this case. The sum of strengths = (1×1 + 2×2 + 3×5) = 20.

Working Solution

public static long getMaximumSumOfStrengths(List<Integer> arr) { int n = arr.size(); if (n == 0) return 0; // dp array to store the maximum strength sum up to index i long[] dp = new long[n]; // Initialize the first index dp[0] = arr.get(0) * 1; // 0-based index, so (0 + 1) // Fill the dp array for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { // Calculate the strength if no swap dp[i] = dp[i - 1] + arr.get(i) * (i + 1); // Calculate the strength if we swap arr[i] with arr[i-1] // Swap operation is only possible if i > 0 if (i >= 1) { long swapStrength = (i >= 2 ? dp[i - 2] : 0) + arr.get(i - 1) * (i + 1) + arr.get(i) * i; dp[i] = Math.max(dp[i], swapStrength); } } // The result is the maximum strength sum for the full array return dp[n - 1]; }
Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

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