Round 1: Machine coding type round
Questions: Given EmployeeRating system we need to implement below functions.
public void insertEmployeeReview(Integer employeeId, Integer reviewerId, Double rating, String comments, String ratingDate) public List<EmployeeReview> getReviewsByEmployeeId(Integer employeeId) public Double getAverageRatingByEmployeeId(Integer employeeId) public List<EmployeeReview> getReviewsByReviewerId(Integer reviewerId) public List<EmployeeReview> getReviewsWithinDateRange(String startDate, String endDate) public List<Employee> getTopPerformingEmployees(int count)
Verdict: Positive
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 2: DSA Round
- LRUCache Implementation: Leetcode LRU Cache
- Find sum of all nodes at d distance from given target node in binary tree: Similar to this - Leetcode All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree
Verdict: Recruiter did not call back and cancelled 3rd scheduled round as well without giving any reasoning.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Overall Experience
My take: I have noticed recruiters reaching out and behaving nicely until we are in the pipeline. They start ghosting candidates when they realize they do not want to take candidature forward. Most of them do not care to give proper rejection mail as well and do not respond on follow-up mails for checking status.
Overall: Bad Experience with recruitment process. Didn't like the attitude of interviewer as well.