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Goldman Sachs | Software Engineer Associate | Coderpad

Round 2: Coderpad


  1. Simple HashMap based: Parse apache log file to get most frequent logs
    Leetcode Discussion

  2. Union find algorithm: Find root with max nodes in disjoint graphs specifically trees.
    A forest is represented with a hashmap. This hashmap has this key -> value relationship: child -> parent.
    Every node has a unique integer element. I needed to find the largest tree's root node. If there is a tie, return the smallest root.
    The tree with the highest number of nodes is the largest one. The edges are directed from child to parent.


    {{1 -> 2}, {3 -> 4}}  


Candidate's Approach

I initialized an array with -1 and while traversing the input, I populated the array for the index of the child with the parent. I kept checking if the parent of this child was already found, then just put that.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.