Round 1
Questions: Implement a system to track the popularity of content based on user interactions (thumbs up or thumbs down). Your task is to design an interface called ContentPopularity with the following methods:
increasePopularity(contentId: int) -> None
: Increases the popularity of the specified content ID by one (representing a thumbs up).decreasePopularity(contentId: int) -> None
: Decreases the popularity of the specified content ID by one (representing a thumbs down).mostPopular() -> int
: Returns the content ID with the highest popularity. If there are ties, return any one of them. -1 if no content.
class Node: def __init__(self, val=0): self.val = val self.prev = None = None self.keys = set() # {content_ids} class Popularity: def __init__(self): self.head = Node() self.tail = Node() = self.tail self.tail.prev = self.head self.cache = defaultdict(Node) # {content_id: Node} def increase_popularity(self, content_id) -> None: if content_id in self.cache: node = self.cache[content_id] val = node.val node.keys.remove(content_id) nex = if nex == self.tail or nex.val != val + 1: new_node = Node(val + 1) new_node.keys.add(content_id) self._insert(new_node, node, nex) self.cache[content_id] = new_node else: nex.keys.add(content_id) self.cache[content_id] = nex if len(node.keys) == 0: self._remove(node) else: first = if first == self.tail or first.val > 1: new_node = Node(1) self._insert(new_node, self.head, first) new_node.keys.add(content_id) self.cache[content_id] = new_node else: first.keys.add(content_id) self.cache[content_id] = first def decrease_popularity(self, content_id) -> None: if content_id not in self.cache: return node = self.cache[content_id] prev = node.prev nex = node.keys.remove(content_id) if node.val == 1: del self.cache[content_id] else: if prev is self.head or node.val - 1 != prev.val: new = Node(node.val - 1) self._insert(new, prev, node) new.keys.add(content_id) self.cache[content_id] = new else: prev.keys.add(content_id) self.cache[content_id] = prev if len(node.keys) == 0: self._remove(node) def most_popular(self) -> int: if self.tail.prev == self.head: return -1 return next(iter(self.tail.prev.keys)) def _remove(self, node): prev = node.prev nex = = nex nex.prev = prev def _insert(self, node, prev, nex): node.prev = prev = nex = node nex.prev = node popularity = Popularity() print(popularity.most_popular()) print(popularity.increase_popularity(3)) print(popularity.most_popular()) print(popularity.decrease_popularity(3)) print(popularity.most_popular()) print(popularity.increase_popularity(4)) print(popularity.increase_popularity(4)) print(popularity.most_popular()) print(popularity.decrease_popularity(3)) print(popularity.decrease_popularity(3)) print(popularity.decrease_popularity(3)) print(popularity.most_popular())
Candidate's Approach
After writing this code time was up and I offered to write the unit tests as well. The candidate mentioned that they were able to write complete code as they had solved a similar problem earlier.
Interviewer's Feedback
There were some positives related to asking clarifying questions, dictionary and sorted dictionary approaches. However, the candidate received a "No Hire" decision due to writing complex code that was difficult to understand and debug.