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Swiggy SDE 1 Interview experience

Round 1: OA

Questions: There were three questions to be completed in 60 minutes on the Hack__ank platform:

I was able to solve the medium questions and passed two test cases for the hard question.

Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 2: PS/DS Round


  1. Coin Change II (Dynamic Programming)
  2. Discuss SOLID principles with examples.
  3. How to control Concurrency of different threads?
  4. Longest Valid Parenthesis

I solved the Coin Change II problem from brute force to the most optimized solution in 25 minutes. I answered the SOLID principles and provided some information on concurrency, but I felt the interviewer was expecting more in-depth answers. For the Longest Valid Parenthesis, I wrote the stack solution and verbally explained the solution with space complexity O(1) as time ran out.

Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

Feedback by HR: weak (specific reasons not provided).

Round 3: LLD Round


  1. Introduce yourself and discuss the projects you have done in your current company.
  2. Problem statement related to Uber/Ola app.

The interviewer asked me to introduce my projects, followed by some follow-up questions. I used a bottom-up approach to solve the problem statement and explained where I was using the Interface Segregation and State Design Pattern. The interviewer expected only classes, interfaces, attributes, and methods, not running code. This round went really well, and the interviewer seemed satisfied with my solution.

Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

I received a rejection with negative feedback despite feeling that the LLD round went well. I asked for specific feedback related to the LLD round but did not receive any.


Thanks for reading. Please Upvote if this helped you :) PS: All interviews were virtual