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Amazon SDE 1 OA

Round 1

Questions: Question 1:
In managing tasks at analytics platform, the goal is to efficiently schedule both primary and secondary tasks within specified time constraints.
There are n primary tasks and n secondary tasks. Two arrays, primary and secondary, provide information on task hours, where primary[i] represents the duration in hours of the ith primary task, and secondary[i] represents the duration in hours of the ith secondary task.
Each day on the platform has a time limit denoted as limit hours. One primary task must be scheduled each day. If time remains after the primary task, you can choose to schedule at most one secondary task on that day. It's essential to ensure that the total hours does not exceed the specified limit hours.
Determine the maximum number of secondary tasks that can be scheduled during these n days while adhering to the given constraints.

limit = 7 primary = [4, 5, 2, 4] secondary = [5, 6, 3, 4].
One of the optimal scheduling can be:

Function Description: Complete the function getMaximumTasks in the editor below.
My solution:

def getMaximumTasks(limit, primary, secondary): counter = 0 dif = [limit - i for i in primary] dif.sort() secondary.sort() while secondary and dif: if dif[-1] < secondary[-1]: secondary.pop() else: counter += 1 secondary.pop() dif.pop() return counter

Question 2:
Amazon Music is working on harmonizing their music playlist.
In their playlist system, each song is represented by a binary string music, where '0' and '1' denote two different types of music, say TypeA and TypeB. An "alternating music string" is one where no two adjacent songs are of the same type. For example, "1", "0", "10", "01", "101" are alternating music strings.
Given a binary string music representing the playlist and an integer k, you can perform up to k operations where each operation involves flipping a character, i.e., turning '0' into '1' and '1' into '0'.
As a developer at Amazon, the task is to determine the longest alternating substring that can be created from the music string by performing at most k operations.

music = "1001" k = 1
By flipping the third character, the string becomes music = "1011". The longest alternating music string in this modified string is "101", which spans from the 0th index to the 2nd index and has a length of 3. With only one operation, it is not possible to obtain a longer alternating binary substring. Thus, the answer is 3.

Function Description: Complete the function getMaxAlternatingMusic in the editor below.
My solution:

def getMaxAlternatingMusic(music: str, k: int) -> int: n = len(music) def longest_with_flips(target: str) -> int: left = 0 flips = 0 max_length = 0 for right in range(n): if music[right] != target[right % 2]: flips += 1 while flips > k: if music[left] != target[left % 2]: flips -= 1 left += 1 max_length = max(max_length, right - left + 1) return max_length return max(longest_with_flips('01'), longest_with_flips('10'))
Candidate's Approach

For Question 1, I calculated the difference between the limit and each primary task duration, sorted both the differences and secondary tasks, and used a greedy approach to maximize the number of secondary tasks scheduled.
For Question 2, I implemented a sliding window technique to find the longest alternating substring by flipping characters, checking both possible starting patterns ('01' and '10').

Interviewer's Feedback

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