Round 1
Questions: There are n towers placed sequentially in the city of Hackerland. Tower x is visible from tower y if all towers between x and y have a height strictly less than that of x. For each tower, find the number of towers visible from this tower, both on the left and right side.
There are n = 4 towers and height = [5, 2, 10, 1].
- From tower 1, towers 2 and 3 are visible.
- From tower 2, towers 1 and 3 are visible.
- From tower 3, all 3 other towers are visible.
- From tower 4, tower 3 is visible.
Return (2, 2, 3, 1).
Candidate's Approach
The candidate attempted a brute force approach which was able to pass 9 out of 15 test cases. They were trying to implement a stack-based approach to count the visible towers on both the left and right sides but encountered issues with some edge cases.
Interviewer's Feedback
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