Round 0: Online Assessment Round
- First section (15 minutes): Basic English paraphrasing and paragraph-related questions.
- Second section (15 minutes): Stocks and analytics-related questions (analyzing trends of the global economy through graphs, etc.).
- Third section:
- DSA Question 1: Print alternate numbers of an array.
- DSA Question 2: Count the total negative integers in an array.
- Fourth section (10 minutes):
- DSA Question: Related to Euler's Path logic and The Seven Bridges of Königsberg problem.
Verdict: Selected for the next round (130 people were shortlisted for the next interview round).
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 1: Technical Coding Round (Offline)
- Detect Cycle in a LinkedList: Leetcode Link.
- Egg Dropping Problem: Leetcode Link.
- Find Median of Two Sorted Arrays: Leetcode Link.
- Find the Majority Element: Leetcode Link.
- Get the Maximum Element in a Flow Stream of Integers: Follow-up question related to priority-queue and min-heap and max-heap.
Computer Fundamentals Questions:
- DBMS: What are indexes, why are they used? Explain BTree. Why do we use normalization in DBMS? What is transaction and concurrency control?
- OOPS: State and explain the 4 pillars of OOP. State and explain different types of inheritances.
- OS: What is a deadlock state in OS and how to prevent it? What are threads and processes, and state differences between them.
Verdict: Selected for the next round (60 people were shortlisted for the next interview round).
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 2: Technical + Managerial Round (Offline)
- Managerial Questions: Why do you want to join and work for Wells Fargo?
- Technical Questions:
- Define AVL Trees and write its applications.
- Define deadlock state in OS and ways to prevent it.
- Write merge sort and quick sort algorithms and state the differences.
- Explain full outer join along with real-time examples.
Verdict: Selected for the next round.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 3: HR Round (Offline)
- HR questions about hobbies, future goals, and questions related to projects and hackathon experience.
Verdict: SELECTED FOR THE ROLE OF INTERN ANALYST FOR THE SUMMER 2025 (21 people got selected).
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Compensation Details: Compensation Discussion Link