Round 1
Question 1
Given a circular array of strings, a startIndex, and a targetString, find the minimum steps to reach the targetString.
["bat","cat","light","mobile","pen","toy","book"], startIndex=5, target="cat"
Answer: 3 steps.
Question 2
Find the total number of times a string s2 is present in s1 as a subsequence.
s1 = "batwithcar", s2 = "bar"
Answer: 2 as "bar" is present two times at indexes (0,1,9) and (0,8,9).
Candidate's Approach
For Question 1:
- Use two pointers, one moving left and the other right from startIndex.
- Handle boundary conditions: if left < 0, set left to last index of the array; if right >= array.length, set right to 0.
- Keep a variable for step count and break the loop when the target is reached, returning the step count.
For Question 2:
- Started with a recursive solution followed by memoization.
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