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Google London | L4 | Aug - Oct 24 [Offer accepted]

Phone Screen


Candidate's Approach

I came up with a solution pretty fast, explained it to the interviewer, and implemented it, same with the follow-up.

Interviewer's Feedback

Positive feedback, move to onsite.

Onsite 1 (DSA)


Candidate's Approach

I devised an O(n) solution for the original question and an O(n*logn) solution for the follow-up. The interviewer was okay with this complexity.

Interviewer's Feedback

The interviewer seemed satisfied with my performance.

Onsite 2 (DSA)


Candidate's Approach

I solved the problem using BFS and was required to run a few BFSs as a follow-up.

Interviewer's Feedback

The recruiter was friendly and appeared happy with my solutions.

Onsite 3 (DSA)


Candidate's Approach

This round was the hardest for me. I suggested multiple different approaches, but they didn't work well. I spent about 20 minutes thinking out loud and eventually came up with a solution, spending the rest of the time coding and fixing bugs. I was informed that this problem is actually a graph problem, which I should have recognized.

Interviewer's Feedback

I felt like I completely screwed this interview, but later found that not all questions required follow-up, which made me more comfortable.

Onsite 4 (Behavioral)


Candidate's Approach

I felt like the interviewer was happy with my answers.

Interviewer's Feedback

No specific feedback provided.

Final Outcome

About a week later, I received a call from the recruiter stating that I did well and that all feedback was positive. The recruiter mentioned that Google wanted to move forward with my application. However, there were no open positions at that time, and I had to wait.

About a month later, the recruiter called again with news of an opening. After a quick chat with the hiring manager, I was informed that they would continue with my application and move it to HC. The recruiter expressed confidence that there would be no issues with HC due to my positive feedback.

UPD: I accepted the offer :)