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Round 1: Shadow Round


Candidate's Approach
  • Solved both questions optimally and stated the correct time complexity (TC) for both.
  • For the second question, initially misjudged the time complexity but corrected it after further consideration, explaining the logic behind the correct TC.
  • Finished the interview 5-10 minutes ahead of time.
Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 2: Behavioral Round


Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 3: Technical Round


Candidate's Approach
  • Solved the first question optimally, addressing many edge cases.
  • For the second question, solved it optimally, explained the logic, and ran through various test cases.
  • The question was modified to a harder variation, but the candidate struggled to find the expected solution, missing 1-2 edge cases.
Interviewer's Feedback
  • Mentioned that the candidate got the main problem right but missed some edge cases for the hard variation.

Round 4: Technical Round


Candidate's Approach
  • For the first question, discussed the naive approach before explaining the optimal solution and tested it on various examples, achieving correct TC/SC.
  • For the second question, coded out the optimal solution and explained it clearly. The interviewer asked a follow-up but did not require coding it out; the candidate explained the approach and confirmed correctness after the interview.
  • Finished this interview 5-10 minutes ahead of time.
Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.