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INDMoney | SDE Intern | Interview Experience | October 2024

Round 1


Candidate's Approach
  • Explained the Producer Consumer problem but struggled with the analogy.
  • Discussed system architecture and APIs, with assistance from the interviewer.
  • Proposed a solution for the transactions problem and coded it within 10-15 minutes.
  • Identified edge cases like negative weighted cycles with help.
  • Attempted ER-Model normalization but only completed 90%.
  • Discussed API optimization from previous internship and exception handling.
Interviewer's Feedback
  • The interviewer was helpful and polite throughout the round.
  • No specific feedback was provided during the coding or design questions.

Round 2


Candidate's Approach
  • Attempted to use brute-force BFS for distance calculation but recognized inefficiency.
  • Optimized approach using DFS with DP and LCA to calculate distances efficiently.
  • Coded the solution within the time limit and tested it successfully.
Interviewer's Feedback
  • No specific feedback was provided during the coding or design questions.

Round 3


Candidate's Approach
  • Discussed MongoDB aggregation and demonstrated understanding.
  • Proved time complexity for the distance calculation in a binary search tree.
  • Coded the spiral matrix problem within the time limit and successfully ran the test cases.
Interviewer's Feedback
  • The CTO was cool and humble, creating a relaxed atmosphere.
  • Engaged in a discussion about competitive programming, which made the interaction enjoyable.

Verdict: Selected
(Next day I got a call from recruiter confirming my selection)


  1. Don't lie on your resume.
  2. Be confident with your approaches if there is no feedback.
  3. Ask clarifying questions.