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Amazon Onsite | SDE 1 | USA | AWS

Round 1


  1. Design Question: Encode and Decode Strings

    • Candidate solved the problem but approached it from a functional programming perspective rather than focusing on design.
  2. DSA Question: Merge Intervals

    • Candidate was confused about indexing but ultimately solved the problem.
  3. DSA Question: Find Median from Data Stream

    • Candidate solved the problem, transitioning from a brute force approach to an optimal solution.
  4. Leadership Principles: Deep Dive + Invent and Simplify + Ownership

    • Candidate rated their performance in this section as 7.5-8 out of 10.
Candidate's Approach
  • For the design question, the candidate focused on a functional programming approach instead of a design-centric one.
  • In the DSA questions, the candidate managed to resolve the issues with indexing and improved their approach from brute force to optimal for the median problem.
Interviewer's Feedback
  • No feedback provided.