Round 1
Questions: Users use UberEats to order food from local restaurants. Design a system to power a near-real-time dashboard for restaurant owners to see how their restaurant is performing.
There are 3 specific questions that we want to answer on the dashboard UI:
- How many orders?
- What are the Top 3 ordered dishes (with order count)?
- What’s the total sale amount? (sale amount = sum of prices of all completed orders)
There are 3 buttons (top right) on the UI which allow the users (restaurant owners) to see these numbers for different time periods:
- Last 1 hour
- Last 24 hours (= 1 day)
- Last 168 hours (= 24h * 7 = 1 week)
How do you collect, store and serve data?
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.