Round 1: Online Test on HackerRank (2 DSA + 1 SQL)
Maximum sum of mountain elements of size 3: Given an array of integers in any order, return the maximum of a+b+c where a, b, c are subsequences in the array, and a < b > c.
Difficulty: Easy LeetCode -
Numbers of Possible Arrays in Each Query: Given an array of integers, its totalCost is calculated as follows, where n = the number of elements in the array and the array itself is named element.
currentMaximumElement = element[0] totalCost = 0 for ( i = 1; i < n; i += 1){ if (element[i]>currentMaximumElement){ currentMaximumElement=element[i] totalCost+=1 } }
Given three values, n, m, and totalCost, find the number of distinct arrays that meet the following criteria. Each array consists of n integers. 1 <= value at index i in each array <= m, where 0 <= i < n. The cost to find the maximum element of each array is equal to totalCost.
Example: Given values n=4, m=4, and totalCost=2, there are 30 such arrays.
Function Description:vector<int> arraysCount(vector<int> n, vector<int> m, vector<int> totalCost){ }
Constraints: 1 < q <= 50, 1 <= n[i] <= 50, 1 <= m[i] <= 100, 0 <= totalCost[i] < n[i].
SQL Question: A vaccine is administered in two doses. It is best if the doses are given between 48 and 72 days apart inclusive. Write my SQL query to return the percentage of beneficiaries who received both doses within the recommended time period, rounded to the nearest integer.
Table: doses (Dose_id, Beneficiary_id, dose_type, vaccination date)
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 2: Technical Interview 1
- Discussion on projects mentioned in the resume, including basic questions about problem statements, definitions of libraries, tech stacks used, and applications in real life.
- DSA Question: Leetcode 572. Subtree of Another Tree - asked for different approaches along with time and space complexities, from brute to optimal.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 3: Technical Interview 2
DSA Questions:
- Print Spiral Order for the matrix.
- A question solvable using BFS for a tree with slight modification (exact question not remembered).
- a + b + c = k / 3Sum from Leetcode (asked for optimal approach).
OOPs Questions:
- Characteristics of OOPs.
- Differences between Abstract class and Interface.
Puzzles: Two puzzles were presented; one was solved while the other posed a greater challenge.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 4: Technical + Managerial Interview
- Technical Discussion: Asked about the reason behind choosing each project and selecting required libraries and frameworks.
- Managerial Discussion: Questions on how to take inputs from the manager, where I want to see myself in the next 5 years, my interests in tech, and hobbies.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.