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Google Onsite Interview experience(L3)

Round 1: Googlyness

Questions: Typical behavioral interview questions were asked.

Candidate's Approach

The candidate felt well-spoken, prepared, and thoughtful in their answers, but nothing stood out.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 2: Technical Interview - Graph Question

Questions: The question was similar to path finding/shortest path.

Candidate's Approach

The candidate verbally expressed the optimal solution almost instantly with no help, in addition to listing some corner cases.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 3: Technical Interview - Intervals Question

Questions: The question involved checking if intervals overlap and finding the maximum number of overlapping intervals.

Candidate's Approach

The candidate came up with a solution quickly but faced issues with some cases. They received a hint about changing the sorting method, which helped them arrive at the optimal solution.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 4: Technical Interview - Dynamic Programming

Questions: The question was related to dynamic programming, similar to a coin game or robbers problem where the goal was to achieve the best sum.

Candidate's Approach

The candidate recognized it as a DP problem but jumped into implementation without breaking it down first. After getting stuck, they were advised to try a brute force approach. They nearly completed the solution but ran out of time to list corner cases and describe time and memory complexity.

Interviewer's Feedback

The feedback was non-descript, indicating that the candidate needed hints, which was viewed negatively.