OA (Online Assessment)
- getLongestSubstring
- getSpecialString
The OA had two string questions, with the second being particularly challenging. The candidate solved the first question quickly but struggled with edge cases for the second, passing only 10 out of 15 test cases.
Candidate's Approach
The candidate found the first question manageable but faced difficulties with edge cases in the second question, which they described as Leetcode hard.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Phone Call Interview
- LP Question: "Deliver Results" - Describe a time you had to work under a tight timeline.
- Coding Question: Merge K Sorted Array
The candidate felt prepared for the coding question, having solved it many times before, and was able to write clean code quickly. The interviewer appreciated the solution.
Candidate's Approach
The candidate had memorized the solution to the coding question, allowing them to write clean code efficiently.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Final Loop
Date: 11/18 and 11/19
Day 1 (11/18):
- LP Questions:
- Tell me about a time you didn’t meet the deadline.
- Describe the most innovative thing you’ve done.
- Coding: A variation of the rotting oranges question.
The candidate felt confident in this round, solving the coding question quickly and engaging well with the interviewer.
- LP Questions:
- Describe a situation that required you to dig deep for a problem.
- Describe a time when you simplified a process for customers.
- Coding: A question similar to course schedule.
The candidate felt they could have performed better in this interview, particularly in explaining their object-oriented design knowledge.
Day 2 (11/19): 3. LP Questions:
- How do you keep up with industry trends?
- Tell me about a time you didn’t know what to do next.
- Tell me about a significant obstacle you overcame.
- Coding: A question similar to My Calendar III.
The candidate successfully solved the coding question and felt the process was collaborative.
- LP Questions:
- Tell me about a time you received negative feedback.
- Tell me about a time you had to convince your team.
- Resume Review: Discuss a project in detail.
- System Design: Design a system to apply promotions at checkout.
The candidate felt intimidated but found the interviewer friendly. They discussed their resume in detail and designed a system, receiving positive feedback.
Candidate's Approach
The candidate prepared extensively for the LP questions, using the STAR method and gathering examples. They felt comfortable discussing their projects and system design, although they wished they had explained some concepts better.
Interviewer's Feedback
The final interviewer provided positive feedback, noting it was a great interview but suggested the candidate could slow down their explanations.