Round 1
- You are given an initial parentheses sequence represented by the string s , along with a Parentheses Perfection Kit containing different types of parentheses in the form of the string kitParentheses and their respective efficiency ratings in the efficiencyRatings array (both of size m). The EfficiencyScore of the original string s is initially 0. You can use any number of unused parentheses from the kit to create the final sequence, as long as the final sequence remains balanced.
The task is to determine the maximum possible EfficiencyScore that can be achieved for the resulting balanced sequence.
Note: It is guaranteed that the sequence can be made balanced by adding zero or more parentheses from the kit.
- 1 ≤ |s| < 2 * 10^5
- 0 ≤ m < 2 * 10^5
- -10^9 ≤ efficiencyRatings[i] ≤ 10^9
Both strings s and kitParentheses consist of opening and closing parentheses only.
s = ")((" kitParentheses = ")(()))" m = 6 efficiencyRatings = [3, 4, 2, -4, -1, -3]
- In Amazon’s highly efficient logistics network, minimizing operational overhead and optimizing package routing is crucial to ensure smooth deliveries across various regions. The network consists of n warehouses, numbered from 1 to n, each strategically positioned at its corresponding index. Each warehouse has a specific storage capacity, given by warehouseCapacity , where warehouseCapacity[i] represents the capacity of the warehouse located at position i (assuming 1-based indexing).
These warehouses are organized in a non-decreasing order of their storage capacities, meaning each warehouse’s storage capacity is greater than or equal to the one before it. Each warehouse must establish a connection to a distribution hub positioned at a location greater than or equal to its own. This means that a warehouse at position i can only connect to a hub at position j, where j ≥ i. To optimize inventory routing, Amazon has placed a central high-capacity distribution hub at the last warehouse, located at position n. This hub serves as the main connection point for all warehouses if necessary. The cost of establishing a connection from warehouse at i to a hub at position j is given by warehouseCapacity[j] - warehouseCapacity[i].
Given q queries of the form (hubA, hubB), where two additional high-performance distribution hubs are deployed at warehouses hubA and hubB (1 ≤ hubA < hubB < n), the goal is to calculate the minimum total connection cost for all warehouses, considering the nearest available distribution hub at or beyond each warehouse’s position.
The problem statement assumes 1-based indexing for the warehouseCapacity array. Each query is independent, i.e., the changes made do not persist for subsequent queries. Each warehouse connects to the nearest hub at or beyond its position (either hubA, hubB, or the central hub at n) to minimize the overall connection cost.
n = 5 warehouseCapacity = [3, 6, 10, 15, 20] q = 1 additionalHubs = [[2, 4]]
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
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