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Google phone screening interview experience

Round 1


  1. Swap 3 Types
    Write a function to swap three types of elements efficiently. This involved logic for swaps.

  2. Palindrome
    Implement a function to check if a string is a palindrome, considering edge cases like spaces and capitalization. We discussed both iterative and recursive approaches.

  3. K-Diff Pairs in an Array
    Find the number of unique pairs in an array with a given difference k.
    Specific question not provided.

Candidate's Approach
  • For the Swap 3 Types question, I focused on creating an efficient algorithm that minimizes the number of swaps.
  • In the Palindrome question, I implemented both iterative and recursive methods, ensuring to handle edge cases properly.
  • I struggled with the K-Diff Pairs problem and was unable to provide a solution.
Interviewer's Feedback

The interviewer provided clarifications on my solutions and offered helpful feedback on my approach to the problems. They appreciated my ability to discuss my thought process and encouraged me to practice more on problems like K-Diff Pairs.