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Meta | Phone Screen | E4-E5 | Finding the Median & K Closest Points

Round 1


  1. Finding the Median in a Sliding Window:
    Problem: Given an array of numbers and a sliding window size k, find the median of each window as it slides from left to right.
    LeetCode Problem: 480. Sliding Window Median

  2. Finding the K Closest Points to the Origin:
    Problem: Given an array of points in a 2D plane and an integer k, return the k closest points to the origin (0,0).
    LeetCode Problem: 973. K Closest Points to Origin

Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

The candidate solved and described all tasks due to their good experience with such problems. However, the interviewer had problems with the internet connection and was disconnected a couple of times. The recruiter expressed surprise that the candidate was not selected, indicating that it was unusual in this case.