Round 1
Questions: Build a flight management system with the following features (Easy):
- Flight management - add flights, seats of economy, business, first class
- Booking management - allow users to search for flights and book them, cancel booking etc
- Passenger management - allow users to view flights they have booked
Focus on readability, concurrency, etc.
Candidate's Approach
The candidate built the flight management system as per the requirements and had a 30-minute call with an SDE-2 to discuss the code, trade-offs, and alternate strategies.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 2
- Write a function that generates random points within a circle with equal probability distribution.
- LeetCode Hard - Maximum profit in job scheduling - explained brute force + DP optimization.
Follow-up Question
- How to make the probability distribution uniform in Q1?
Candidate's Approach
The candidate was able to explain the approach for the second problem but struggled with the first question regarding uniform probability distribution. They made a few mistakes while writing/explaining the pseudocode for the second problem but corrected them immediately.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.