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PhonePe SDE-2 Interview Experience | Rejected

Round 1

Questions: Build a flight management system with the following features (Easy):

  1. Flight management - add flights, seats of economy, business, first class
  2. Booking management - allow users to search for flights and book them, cancel booking etc
  3. Passenger management - allow users to view flights they have booked

Focus on readability, concurrency, etc.

Candidate's Approach

The candidate built the flight management system as per the requirements and had a 30-minute call with an SDE-2 to discuss the code, trade-offs, and alternate strategies.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 2


  1. Write a function that generates random points within a circle with equal probability distribution.
  2. LeetCode Hard - Maximum profit in job scheduling - explained brute force + DP optimization.

Follow-up Question

Candidate's Approach

The candidate was able to explain the approach for the second problem but struggled with the first question regarding uniform probability distribution. They made a few mistakes while writing/explaining the pseudocode for the second problem but corrected them immediately.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.