Round 1
Questions: In Amazon's highly efficient logistics network, minimizing operational overhead and optimizing package routing is crucial to ensure smooth deliveries across various regions.
The network consists of n warehouses, numbered from 1 to n, each strategically positioned at its corresponding index. Each warehouse has a specific storage capacity, given by warehouseCapacity, where warehouse Capacity[i] represents the capacity of the warehouse located at position/(assuming 1-based indexing).
These warehouses are organized in a non-decreasing order of their storage capacities, meaning each warehouse's storage capacity is greater than or equal to the one before it. Each warehouse must establish a connection to a distribution hub positioned at a location greater than or equal to its own. This means that a warehouse at position i can only connect to a hub at position j, where j >= i.
To optimize inventory routing, Amazon has placed a central high-capacity distribution hub at the last warehouse, located at position n. This hub serves as the main connection point for all warehouses if necessary. The cost of establishing a connection from warehouse at i to a hub at position j is given by warehouseCapacity[j] - warehouseCapacity[i].
Given a queries of the form (hubA, hubB), where two additional high-performance distribution hubs are deployed at warehouses hubA and hubB (1 ≤ hubA < hubB < n), the goal is to calculate the minimum total connection cost for all warehouses, considering the nearest available distribution hub at or beyond each warehouse's position.
warehouseCapacity [3, 6, 10, 15, 20]
additionalHubs = [[2, 4]]
In this case there is q = 1 query with two additional high-performance distribution hubs at position hubA = 2 and hubB = 4.
Once additional distribution hubs are installed at positions hubA = 2 and hubB = 4:
- 1st warehouse will connect to the nearest available distribution hub at position 2, cost incurred 6-3=3
- 2nd warehouse is itself a distribution hub, so cost incurred = 0
- 3rd warehouse will connect to the nearest available distribution hub at position 4, cost incurred = 15-10=5
- 4th and 5th warehouses are itself a distribution hub, so cost incurred = 0+0=0
Thus, the total connection cost (6-3)+(0)+(15-10)+(0)+(0)=8. Hence, return [8] as the answer.
Function Description
Complete the function getMinConnectionCost in the editor below.
getMinConnectionCost has the following parameters:
- int warehouseCapacity[n]: a non-decreasing array of integers representing the storage capacities of the warehouses
- int additionalHubs[q][2]: an array where each element denotes the positions of two additional distribution hubs installed for a query
Returns long int[q]: the answers for each query
Sample Input For Custom Testing
6 0 2 5 9 12 18 2 2 2 5 1 3
Sample Output
12 18
Explanation In this case we have n = 6, warehouseCapacity = [0, 2, 5, 9, 12, 18), q = 2, additionalHubs = [[2, 5], [1, 3]].
Since we have initially 1 central hub at position n. So total connection cost = (18-0)+(18-2)+(18-5)+(18-9)+(18-12)+(18-18) = 62.
In first query, we build 2 additional distribution hubs at positions 2 and 12. Now:
- 1st warehouse will connect to the nearest available distribution hub at position 2, cost incurred = 2-0=2
- 2nd warehouse is itself a distribution hub, so cost incurred = 0
- 3rd warehouse will connect to the nearest available distribution hub at position 5, cost incurred = 12-5=7
- 4th warehouse will connect to the nearest available distribution hub at position 5, cost incurred = 12-9=3
- 5th warehouse is itself a distribution hub, so cost incurred = 0
- 6th warehouse is itself a distribution hub, so cost incurred = 0
Thus, the total connection cost=2+0+7+3+0+0=12.
In second query, we build 2 additional distribution hubs at positions 1 and 3. Now:
- 1st warehouse is itself a distribution hub, so cost incurred = 0
- 2nd warehouse will connect to the nearest available distribution hub at position 3, cost incurred = 5-2=3
- 3rd warehouse is itself a distribution hub, so cost incurred = 0
- 4th warehouse will connect to the nearest available distribution hub at position 6, cost incurred = 18-9=9
- 5th warehouse will connect to the nearest available distribution hub at position 6, cost incurred = 18-12=6
- 6th warehouse is itself a distribution hub, so cost incurred = 0
Thus, the total connection cost=0+3+0+9+6+0=18.
Thus, the answer is [12, 18].
Sample Input 2 For Custom Testing
4 2 6 8 14 1 2 1 2
Sample Output
Explanation In this case we have n = 4 warehouseCapacity =[2, 6, 8, 14], q = 1 additionalHubs = [[1, 2]].
Initially, there is 1 distribution hub at warehouse number n. So distance travelled is (14-2) + (14-6) + (14 - 8) + (14 - 14) = 26.
In the first query, we build 2 additional distribution hubs at positions 1 and 2. Now:
- 1st warehouse is itself a distribution hub, so cost incurred = 0
- 2nd warehouse is itself a distribution hub, so cost incurred = 0
- 3rd warehouse will connect to the nearest available distribution hub at position 4, cost incurred = 14-8=6
- 4th warehouse is itself a distribution hub, so cost incurred = 0
Thus, the total connection cost = 0 + 0 + 6 + 0 = 6.
Thus, the answer is [6].